Friday, August 24, 2012

Therefore I ask Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin

O Chaste Curtain of Christ, your fiat led the Almighty to reveal Himself through your torn yet seamless virginity, which produces an awesome fragrance of purity to herald the Holy of Holies as He manifests Himself in the revered fabric formed within the inner sanctuary of your womb. O Chaste Curtain of Christ through which, the light of splendor shines lead us to the full radiance of His Divinity cloaked as it is in your fair flesh now stretched upon the Cross as the seamless Cloud of Heaven from which pour the rains of redemption. O Chaste Curtain of Christ, seamless were, you in the pangs of birth yet torn at the foot of the Cross. Teach us the joy of Virginity’s abiding Truth by calling forth upon us from the Vault of Heaven the Divine Spirit whom your exalted womb calls Spouse. When the Holy Spirit got to the bottom of your Christ-Hungry heart He found your womb where He was exceptionally pleased to incarnate the Son within the walls of your Temple like womb precisely on account of the welcome He received in your ‘Holy of Holies’ like heart.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A reflection of mine written two years ago today on the Queenship of Mary

Until Death Do We Part Is Only The Start: My ever growing awareness of my mortality is giving birth within me to a more profound sense of the fact that I am borrowed breath, willed into existence not of my own will. I am because He said so and He spoke not in vain. The mystery of my existence is a mystery not without its admirer and my inevitable death serves to remind me of this. I have been created not for dust and ashes but for a crown and robes, which wither not, amidst the suns heat, nor the oceans fury for I have been begotten by Love and this Love knows my name. My first breath and my last will have had this in common, both will have been joyfully willed by Him alone for whom I have been created. I am entirely His. He willed it so. I belong nowhere else save for in His embrace. It was Him alone who desired me and though others may love me they merely love the work of His hands but He loved me into existence and into the possibility of being loved. It was Him who conceived the very thought of me and this not simply in His Divine Mind but also in His Sacred Heart but what pleases me so greatly as I reflect upon this is that He was the first to be pleased with what He thought and made good on it by an irrevocable act of His will. The very Triune God who has no beginning or end created me in loving freedom without any reservations. Was it by chance that the thought of me entered the Mind and Heart of God? No! The thought of me arose not by chance but by Romance. It pleased God to create me. I had absolutely no say in it. I had no way of influencing His decision. I couldn't even say, 'You thought about me, now You owe it to me to create me.' My existence is a complete expression of the freedom of His love. My God, I am forever indebted to You and yet the only debt You ask me to pay is that of loving You freely in return. You created me not simply to exist but so that You may love me. Reflection upon my coming death reminds me of this. These thoughts also inspire within me the knowledge that I have never been so well loved or with such constancy as I have been by You. You are my Secret Admirer and with tears in my eyes I thank You, “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” How I wish my words could possibly do justice to the profound realization that the knowledge of Your love fills me with at this moment regarding my existence. You, O Sovereign Lord, had no template to look at in creating me save for the Image of Your Incarnate Son. I am fully the result of Love's creative-genius. I have been created solely for You, help me now to begin living as such.

Anamnesis or Amnesia?

It hurts not to be 'Remembered', but then what cluster of grapes enjoys being trodden upon only for the sweet wine it produces, when none 'recall' the wine press of wrath it had to go through first to make available such a blissful taste.

Come and See

Clothed in Thanksgiving is the 'Bread' Ever-living and no nobler crown doth such a King seek then to have those who are hungry to come take a peek. For with Him is gladness, friendship and cheer, for all those that visit and are weighed down by fear. His gentle embrace no heart will forget because it’s like Sacred Silence when your caught in its net, which entangles the soul until it is 'Wet' as a ritual reminder of the day you both met. He offers you victory, he offers you love in the form of the One who came down from up above. He stands now to greet you and welcome you home, for each time that you visit Him, your heart will be filled to the brim.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sanctifying Grace

Plunged into the waters of His Amazing Grace, I emerged a ‘new creation’ with the Son upon my face. Greeted by a presence, which I wanted to embrace, Was yet another ‘Confirmation’ of His redeeming Grace. My mouth cried ‘Abba Father’ as I held onto the rail, And then I saw before me the Most August Holy Grail. So I took a sip upon my lip and began to wonder ‘Why’ Those people in the Courtyard said: Pilate, Crucify.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Timelessness of Beauty

The observation of beauty has something to teach us about eternity, namely that it is able to suspend a person's awareness of time. That is why God, as a Trinity of Persons dwells in the realm of timelessness or eternity because each member of the Trinity are caught up in the beauty of one another.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


As I gaze upon Your cross Its arms reach out to me, Its reach is not too short to save, But its embrace I want to flee. I know although it is a part of God's redeeming plan, But it is heavy in my heart, for I'm a weak young man. So I question now the cost that counts, yes every night and day, But I hope to God, that I make it through to hear His bishop say: 'Arise my son and be on your way, For like unto Melchizedek is what you are today'. Amen

Holy Mother Church

Enamored of her am I, for she is and yet she is not, just yet. The farmer sleeps soundly while the seed procures its growth and though none the wiser is he, as is I, I love her silent-becoming anyway just as equally as I await the revelation in her of the full impression of Christ’s glorious reign. She is as she is now known-One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. But at Christ’s Triumphant return she from His hands will receive the transfiguring Light of the Kingdom and henceforth evermore shall be the tiny rock that destroyed King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue of dreamy proportions. “Then Christ will hand over the Kingdom to the Father and on that day God will be All in all.” Of His Kingdom there will be no end.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Behold the Bloodied Hands of Our Spotless Victim-Priest, Rending the Temple’s Curtain, His Holy of Holies’ Heart to show, So a world awash in sin may finally come to know, That there is a God above who cares infinitely for those who live below.

A Litany that I composed last year

Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
Lord have mercy Lord, have mercy Christ have mercy Christ, have mercy Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us God the Son Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us
Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Temple’s Curtain torn from top to bottom, have mercy on us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Sword that pierced Mother Mary’s holy heart, etc. Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Song of Songs Incarnate, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Mystical Pen from which flows the ink of truth, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Fiery Furnace in which holy Priests are made, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Father’s response of reciprocity to Abraham’s obedience, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the mine from which is extracted the Golden Rule, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Rapture of mental prayer, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Subject of every Tabernacle’s boast, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the disciple-deserting Doctrine of Capernaum, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Litmus Test of love, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Chalice containing the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Wedding Garment of the Baptized, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Fatted Calf put to the knife, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Pearl of great price, Sacred Heart of Jesus, appraised at a lowly 30 pieces of silver, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Source of the sepulcher’s insecurity, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the world’s First Confessional, Sacred Heart of Jesus, recognized in the Breaking of the Bread, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Proof that good can come out of Nazareth, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Joy of the Bridegroom’s friend, Sacred Heart of Jesus, passing by necessity through Samaria, Sacred Heart of Jesus, without sin yet casting no stone, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Overflowing Well that cries: I thirst still, Sacred Heart of Jesus, girded with towel and kneeling in service, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Beloved Disciple’s Pillow of choice, Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose real betrayal was not in the Garden but in the Upper Room, Sacred Heart of Jesus, from which is promulgated the New Commandment, Sacred Heart of Jesus, in which are found the Many Mansions of the Father’s House, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s pulpit, Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose ‘Hour’ was freely accepted, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Forbidden Fruit forbidden no longer,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, remove the vileness within our hearts. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, give us hearts of flesh in place of our hearts of stone. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us the capacity to house Your sacrificial love.
Verse: My Heart is deeply troubled and what shall I say, ‘Father save Me from this hour?’ Response: But for this cause I came unto this hour. Father, glorify Your name.
Let Us Pray: Ineffable God, Father Sublime, picture perfect is the love You show the world in the Word made Flesh, whose Sacred Heart rent asunder upon the Altar of the Cross proclaims to sinful humanity a loyalty of love no earthly love could have imagined if it had not otherwise been revealed. We beseech You therefore Most Merciful Father to further complement this Supreme revelation of Your sacrificial love by endowing us with the discipline, creativity and constancy of heart to fittingly adore His Most Sacred Heart through which You deigned to redeem the world. This we ask of You through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen

Adorable Victim

My Mystical Life, intend I now, upon you all to bestow, for with bread in Hand My words prove true, the brokenness My heart doth feel as Judas steals away 30 silver pieces the Eucharist for to sell. Into the hands of Caiaphas, into the hands of Annas, but rarely when betrayed am I betrayed into the heart but seemingly always betrayed into the hands. I go not, however, a Victim of a greedy Last Supper-leaving Priest. I go a Victim rather of a love freely given which I beg you to remember in this duly instituted feast where mystically arrayed in you My life will shine, as you reverently consume the Mystery hidden by the sight of Bread and Wine.

Unequaled Hunger

In the hollow hours of the day when my heart is hungry the serpent-enemy of my soul seeks occasion to entice the movement of my arm toward the tree of forbidden fruit, but yet I am upheld by a far more splendid hunger then mine for Jesus comes to my rescue giving me to feed upon His High-Holy Pelican Heart wherein all my hungers are sated by Communion with the very hunger of God Himself, who in the hollow hours of the day hungers for my poor unfaithful heart.