Saturday, April 16, 2011

You can't always follow your heart nor your mind, Alleluia!

"He's mad", cries the human heart as it clasps hands with the human mind in a rare occasion of agreement. By way of introduction, the "He" in question is Jesus Christ who just a moment ago breathed His last while upon the Cross. The subject of their agreement, that is the one between heart and mind, pertains to the 'returns' on the 'investment' made by such a young Man. Didn't anyone ever tell Him that 'Death is final', 'Contextualize Your dream' and 'Enjoy life on earth a bit' after all this is the planet your living on?
"He gave it all, His love that is and what does He have to show for it now save for a pale lifeless body hanging like a dirty sock hung over the edge of a hamper?"
'The Angel said to the women, 'why do you look for the living among the dead, He is not here, He has Risen!'
By way of conclusion, its really too bad that some don't stick around to hear how the story ends. For some, 'you have to be there to believe it' while for others 'you have to believe it in order to truly be there'. So, Christ's supposed madness turned to gladness despite the consensus of heart and mind, will yours? Dream Big, remembering that Christ is your context.

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