Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gracious Father, loyal and forgiving, You who have willed to wed chosen souls to the power and Person of Your Son for the spread of the Holy Gospel and the Sacramental manifestation of the Sacrifice of the Cross, grant to those Anointed Ones of Your choosing the grace of boredom as regards the profane and unceasing fervour in the service of those realities before which the Angels tippy toe out of reverence.

Creator God, who has willed to be seen in the exquisite beauty and order of a universe teeming with mystery, marvel and wonders galore, grant that the creatures who bear Your image and likeness may manifest in their manner of living that same beauty and order that the material world exemplifies so that amongst themselves man may give his fellow man a living witness of the praises that earth would give had it but a tongue with which to sing.

Worship is a command because love must learn Truth through the beauty of obedience which is none other than the freedom to say in response to Love’s offer: I do, I will, always.

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