Thursday, July 28, 2011


‘Exiled’ and yet to speak in such terms is to further the perception of some that I suffer from some imbalance owing possibly to my upbringing or some other event in my maturation. Adherence to rules in the modern psyche is most often considered rigidity, an inflexibility that stems from a point of failed human development. It cannot be grasped, or at least with great difficulty, how one can seek to adhere to a set of rules, regulations especially ones claiming moral absolutes such as ‘Commandments’. Such adherence is a psychological hang up to the modern mind.
​When all other possibilities have been exhausted and only then is the virtue of obedience considered. This consideration is then employed by some in the hope of exposing the cause of obedience as stemming from some inner fear factor once again owing to some traumatic event in one’s human development. And then as the gnat is strained out there is the seldom-made acknowledgement that there is such a virtue as obedience which, ought to be commended but because it is so rare it is best off being relegated to the counselor’s couch. How cozy. Have mercy O Lord, have mercy.

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