Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Omnipotens Deus

The all-powerful God, for whom nothing is impossible has chosen to be super-vulnerable by giving us the gift of freedom and now as a helpless little child He pleads with us so that we would show Him mercy. He has willed for love’s sake to subject Himself to freedom’s potential cruelty. He has chosen to be weak and dependant such that we may exercise mercy. What love must seize and must have seized our God that he would give humanity such a gift of freedom knowing full well that it would raise up its heal against Him so often and in such varied ways. May we never neglect His self-willed vulnerability with our indifference and out right coldness for in our own day the vulnerability of the all-powerful God which was experienced by Him in the stable at Bethlehem is continued and perpetuated in the Tabernacle as He remains among us so helpless under the appearances of ordinary Bread and Wine, an appearance so humble that His Sovereignty is considered threatened in the mindset of some who reckon it beyond Omnipotence to suffer such humiliation and therefore incapable of being truly present in the Eucharist except in symbol alone. This, however, is a false belief about the Power of God. The Power of God is not beyond such an accomplishment. Such a feat of humble vulnerability sweats not the Omnipotence of God. The real question that should occupy our reflection is whether or not we are capable of responding with mercy to the All-Powerful God who has become so vulnerable before us, yes He who stripped Himself of all riches so as to be present to us in our poverty? It is about time that we were rich in our response.

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