Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Sunshine of His Love

He spent his younger days hiding from the Sun's light for fear that his peers would ridicule him if his face reflected its light in such a way that revealed what they had hidden beneath the rocks in their souls. He knew that the Sun made him happy but he also knew that others had many dark secrets with which they were not willing to part; being more eager to die then yield such darkness. So if he were to be a friend and more importantly to gain a friend he had to tippy-toe through the fields at night wheresafe from the Sun or at least as he thought he could make friends with the sons and daughters of the night. Such security was his and friendship was as plentiful as it was empty. His soul grew progressively more shallow on account of the restrictions placed upon it by those who hating the Truth were unwilling to give more then what was their surplus.                                                                                              
But even in the midst of this dark depravity which is home to many, he witnessed in the thick of his fear an unending pursuer – the Sun's light. Though the Sun was not there itself in this dreadful darkness its light found a way of penetrating the night and when he recognized how he had suppressed the True happiness which this light had brought him he quickly cursed the darkness with the same disgust as did his so called friends who cursed him as he became an instrument by which they were forced to reflect upon their own darkness.

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